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Are you ready for the last declutter journey you will ever need?

find your space to live


Discover how to break the cycle of procrastination forever so you can stop "waiting for a time that never comes" and LIVE fully today

When you stop procrastinating on LIVING and choose a life free from physical, mental and emotional clutter you will find purpose, clarity of mind and lift that burden from your shoulders

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Speaking with Susie was such a breath of fresh air. She combines a lovely mix of skillsets; being incredibly competent on coaching as well as being entirely relatable, approachable and down to earth. She exudes calm and her positivity is infectious. 


A 12 week 1:1 coaching programme to transform your life

This is an holistic, virtual coaching programme for women who are sick and tired of waiting for a day that never comes. and who now find themselves procrastinating about living their actual lives and are starting to wonder how others hold it all together and could there be a different way to live.

You may wonder if this applies to you = you're so busy ALL the time that you don't have time to procrastinate - but all that busy-ness doesn't exist by chance, what is it protecting you from and helping you avoid?


Yes, that's right, the constant demands and chaos around you is ensuring that life is passing you by and dragging you further away from the life you deserve.


If you want get off the hamster wheel now, stop simply surviving, say goodbye to the overwhelm, burnout and the tired but wired feeling where one more curve-ball could send you spiraling, then you have come to the right place.


You will be held, supported and guided on a path through the physical, mental and emotional clutter in your life, without any judgement and without adding any more to your over-full plate and together we will find your Space to Live.. 

The transformation

How I will help

​I work with women who, like you, desperately want something different but can't yet see how things could change; who want to regain control over their lives but cannot see where or how to start.


Recently, I have started to understand what it means to "lean into your  strengths". I hadn't considered that the way I could declutter and simplify, quite intuitively, as a personal strength. It is just what I had been doing, and continue to do, over and over again to just keep my life on track and keep moving towards my goals. It is now time to share the strengths, skills and learnings with others. 


My mission is to improve as many lives as I can, by equipping women with what they need to cut through their clutter and chaos so that they can achieve clarity and space to discover, design and live out their personal dreams with passion and energy.


What you can expect

You can have a life where:

Physical clutter is gone:


Find things with ease

See your world open up

Spend more time living and less time moving stuff around

Enjoy visitors popping round

Live calmly with just want you need around you

Sleep better


Mental clutter is gone:


Feel in control

Enjoy more energy

Deal with curve balls with ease

Have clarity of mind

​Enjoy relaxing

Read all those books you have

Hear a positive inner narrative

Find and achieve your dreams and enjoy your successes


Emotional clutter is gone:


Make choices from a place of positivity and based on what you genuinely want

Laugh more - LIVE more

Feel like a better mum, partner, employee, and YOU

KNOW yourself and what you like

​Cope with challenges

Feel resilient

Lose weight and/or enjoy better health

Feel a lighter and lifted mood

Say goodbye to shame & guilt

Find compassion for yourself

Expand your comfort zone


And all this just becomes you new way of life...

Or how about my lovely client who lives in Wokingham. She had struggled with mental health difficulties which had come to a head a few years before we met. She had got through this really difficult period in her life by becoming hyper-focussed on a particular brand she loved which then led to her spending more money than she wanted and her house becoming filled and cluttered. It was a real wrench for her to begin the decluttering process but she was brave and decided that her space and future life were better with less stuff.

Hear from Emma in the short video above

There is Lucy who came to me when she was struggling with being able to focus on her business while holding down her day-job and being a mum to her 4 children. She was overwhelmed with all her responsibilities and wasn't getting to do the important things to drive her business forward or even the things she truly enjoyed (if she could remember what those things were!) We gently unraveled what it was she was holding on to so tightly, and what was creating the obstacles, which meant she could start to breathe again and find her "space".

Hear from Emma in the short video above

A 12 week 1:1 coaching programme to transform your life


What does it look like?



Complementary conversation to ensure we are a match. This will give you the comfort you need, before you invest, in who I am and that I can definitely help you. You want to make sure that I am the right person to help and that you feel comfortable opening up and are able to share honestly with me what's currently going on.

. I will also send you a comprehensive questionnaire to super-charge our first session.


Phase 1: Getting to know you


Let it all out as authentically as you can and without holding back, so that I can understand exactly how you're feeling and how you are experiencing the world. This will make sure I fully understand your life, your responsibilities and your struggles. It is important that I see this full picture so we can start to see where the difficulties lie.


Phase 2: What do you really want


We get clear on what you really want - we will cut through the "should dos" and "need to dos" to work out exactly what you do want. Enabling you to craft a vision of a life and direction that really suits you. I will encourage you to be aspirational here so you can start to see beyond the current limitations and barriers.


Phase 3: Setting you up for success


This phase is important as we will pressure test how much you really want to change. We get really specific so it becomes crystal clear what your next steps need to be. This part can be challenging but it is where the changes start to occur. Trust the process and start to enjoy seeing and feeling things as they start to shift.


Phase 4: Habits for the future


Are you unknowingly sabotaging yourself? We dig in to your habits - good and bad so we can see what's really going on and discover where your time and energy are going. When we say things to ourselves, or do things in the same way over and over we can often forget to question ourselves and this phase will make sure your thoughts and actions are intentional and useful. 


Phase 5: Letting go


 How easy do you find it to let go of things you don't need? Perhaps it is the decision making, before deciding that you don't need something, that is challenging. This phase will ensure you have no fears, regrets or guilt lingering so you can let go of physical, mental and emotional clutter from your life with ease and confidence.


Phase 6: Reflections and Maintenance


This programme is not a quick fix, so we ensure you are happy with your progress, can see a way forward and are fully equipped to continue and maintain where you have got to. This step is important so that you can keep going with strength and clarity and feel ready and able to move away from the coaching environment with confidence.


Post coaching


The process isn't linear of course and I will always be here to support you further down the line should you ever need a re-focus or specific help. Many clients book a one-off "maintenance" session after a few months.

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You are destined to be a superhero coach. Your knowledge and perspective along with your warm soul endears you to be awesome in every way.


How is clutter getting in your way?

Clutter is anything stopping you from being able to do, think and feel what you want to, so if there are areas of your life that you want to improve chances are decluttering can help.


Clutter comes in different forms- such as physical, mental and emotional, and clutter breeds clutter, effectively feeding off itself - more of one creates more of another- you may have heard the saying messy mind, messy house. The more mess in your house and.or the more unresolved emotions you have the more likely you are to feel overwhelmed, stressed and ultimately unfulfilled.

So, when you start to declutter you start to live the way you want to!

What is your biggest clutter issue?

Physical - the "stuff" around you, the boxes in the loft or the garage, the mess on the kitchen table, the piles you have to sift through to find anything. The laundry heaps, the food in the cupboards past its best- you get the picture.


It is bad for our health - collecting dust, wasting our time, draining our energy and costing us money. We buy duplicate items because we can't find the original; we are holding on to things we don't need and we get frustrated trying to find things; snapping at family members when it is their stuff under our feet.


Very quickly, your physical clutter will lead to mental and emotional clutter. and you'll start to experience more effects.

  • Do you have boxes in the loft or garage?

  • Are you constantly moving stuff from one place to another?

  • Do you have to clear the table BEFORE you eat?

  • SO many clothes and nothing to wear?

  • Forever hunting to find things? Knowing it is there somewhere... but where?

  • Where does it go when you put it  somewhere "safe"?

  • Doom bags that you need to sort out

  • A desk, table or spare room that you can no longer use.

  • Fed up with clutter everywhere and questioning whether your house is too small or if you need more storage.

Physical clutter


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Mental - the "stuff" in your head that stops you from thinking clearly. The brain fog that stops you seeing and distinguishing what is important and what is necessary from the noise of opinions and conflicting detail. It traps you where you are and stops you from taking control; it prevents healthy boundaries, clear thinking and conflates facts and fiction.


Mental clutter wastes your time and energy and prevents you from achieving, progressing and getting satisfaction from your life.

  • Are you often overwhelmed?

  • Do you struggle to know what to do next?

  • Feel like you are going in circles?

  • Is your mind often whirring - like either being wired or tired?

  • Do you struggling to concentrate?

  • Feel like you are losing control of your time?

  • Have you forgotten appointments?

  • Find  yourself over-committing and constantly feeling frazzled?

  • Not achieving or progressing?

Mental clutter



Emotional - the unprocessed emotions from your life to date. The trauma that your body carries but your conscious mind doesn't want to acknowledge. The constant sense that we are not good enough, not deserving or that we are not even worth the compassion or empathy that we readily show others.


There is an underlying sense that we are not quite as important as others and that our wants and needs are not worthy of attention. 


Emotional clutter causes us to live in flight or fright and doesn't allow us to be fully emotionally present in the moments of our life.

Stressed Woman

Emotional clutter checklist

  • Motivated by guilt, shame or fear

  • Over-reactions to things

  • Feeling jumpy

  • Struggle to say "no" or set boundaries

  • Not sure what you like anymore

  • Hanging on to old clothes

  • Find it difficult to part with things

  • Lack the energy to do anything

  • Rarely feel excited

  • Spending time "doom" scrolling

  • Lost your purpose or "mojo"

  • Feel like a puppet - just existing for other people.

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I have had coaching before, and maybe that was right for me at that time, but this is the first time that I have created significant enough shifts to make the changes I needed. This coaching really has transformed my situation and I will be forever grateful to have received coaching from you.

Now is the time to take your first step from procrastination to purpose

Stop living in limbo, waiting for the "right" time

If not now, when?

Together we will:

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Working Remotely
  • Follow a step-by-step approach with easy daily habits and practical tips to banish your overwhelm so you can understand why things haven’t worked before. Our method of breaking things down will ensure that you get more ticked off and achieved so you can enjoy relaxing guilt free, and actually have some down time.


  • Rediscover who you are and find your "mojo". Decide what's really important, so you can assert boundaries, let go of what is not serving you without fear or guilt. Feel true motivation, confidence, and energy, take back control and lift the weight from your shoulders. Reveal and pursue your dreams and desires with renewed passion.


  • Clarify and solve the real problems by getting to the root cause, not just the surface issues. Realise the space and comfort you truly want from your home and life. Take control, get organised and step forward with a clear and confident mindset. Everything has its place and you are managing life's curve balls with ease.

Join me for:

  • A flexible, virtual programme of 1:1 coaching. Carefully crafted to your needs, so we can really make sure you get exactly what you need in a time frame that suits you.


  • 6 longer coaching sessions and 3 short "blast" sessions to balance the physical, mental and emotional decluttering so you can take a holistic approach and see results across your life.


  • Access to me via WhatsApp and email throughout your programme to ensure you are fully supported and have your questions answered as and when you need.


The total price is £999 &

can be paid flexibly

Take control today and let's declutter together...

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Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene


What will your clutter-free life look like?

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